Play Rewind Eject - Core Set

Play Rewind Eject - Core Set
Pre-Order Ships Summer of 2023
The Core set comes with 100 cards (each card features 1 movie) pulled from the Highest Grossing and Most Beloved film lists, so even if you haven’t seen a movie, you will have heard of it. There are 2 tarot sized rule cards, and 32 Play Rewind Eject cards. The box was specifically designed to fit the core set PLUS four expansions in one box.
On your turn, you will have 7 cards in your hand. Each card has 1 movie listed. From those 7 cards, you will select 3 cards: 1 card you will Play, 1 you will Rewind, and 1 You will Eject.
Play means to keep the movie the same, the way you’ve always loved it, no changes.
Rewind means to reboot or remake it, same basic story but new script, director, cast, etc. Could be good, might be terrible!
Eject means to remove that movie from history (and the game). It never existed.
Once you’ve selected your 3 movies to Play Rewind Eject, you’ll lay them faceup on the table for all to see.
Next using your special Play Rewind Eject cards, you will lay these cards facedown, next to the corresponding movies, (which one you’ll Play, which to Rewind, and which you’re Ejecting).
Now all other players play their special Play Rewind Eject cards facedown. They are trying to guess which movie you played, which you rewound, and which you ejected.
Once the other players have placed their cards, you reveal your choices, and the other players get 1 point for each correct guess they made about your choices.
Lastly, remove the Ejected movie card from the game, place the Play and Rewind movie cards in the discard pile and draw 3 new cards. Then play continues with the next player.
The choices become harder and harder as more and more cards are ejected from the game.
Multiple Add-Ons are available:
Play Rewind Eject 1980s Movies Expansion
Play Rewind Eject Animated Movies Expansion
Play Rewind Eject Comic Book Movies Expansion
Play Rewind Eject Horror Movies Expansion
Play Rewind Eject Action Movies Expansion
Play Rewind Eject Sci-Fi & Fantasy Movies Expansion
Play Rewind Eject Saga Expansion
Play Rewind Eject Rom/ Com Movies Expansion
Play Rewind Eject Horror Movies Expansion II: Deeper Cuts
Play Rewind Eject Trilogy Expansion
Play Rewind Eject Christmas Movies Expansion