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SURVIVE THIS!! The Blackest Of Space

SURVIVE THIS!! The Blackest Of Space


The Blackest Space takes players into the far reaches of space, where they will encounter various lifeforms, testing their mettle in field and space combat, their scientific and investigative skills and the crew’s diplomatic talents.  Many exciting alien races and worlds await the adventurers. Whether they seek to liberate the galaxy as an Emerald Champion or as an evil, world conquering Ebontear Necrojudge, players will have the freedom to play different people and cultures. A variety of harrowing adventure awaits those that will delve into The Blackest Space

Conversion Notes

This book has been converted into the Bloat Games’ system SURVIVE THIS!! that is used for Dark Places & Demogorgons, Vigilante City, Zombies, Fantasy, We Die Young and the upcoming What Shadows Hide. This makes The Blackest Space now compatible with all of your favorite Bloat Games. As you venture into deep space, you can easily discover other planets that can be created from the other Bloat Games books. 

The Basics 6

Attributes/ Terms 10

Races 18

Classes 43

Skills 77

Gear & Currency 87

Vehicles 96

Starships 98

Space Booty 123

Game Terms 130

XP/ Leveling 146

Critical Tables 148

Galaxy Background 154

Sections of Space 160

Random Star Systems 180

Monsters/ Adversaries 184

Templates 217

Adventure Hooks 220

Intro Mission 226

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