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Vengeance The RPG - Modern Minimalist Lo-Fi Vigilante ttrpg

Vengeance The RPG - Modern Minimalist Lo-Fi Vigilante ttrpg


This city is not safe!

It’s nighttime in Phantom City. Rain streaks from the sky, soaking everything, yet still not enough to wash away all the dirt, filth, and debris that litters every surface. The air is husky and humid, and thick with pollution. Through the cloud filled sky, only the slightest rays of moonlight, sneak though, casting long black twisted shadows. Even from the rooftops, the sounds of the city can be heard through the rain; a passing train, sputtering of neon, the buzz of electricity, the sounds of traffic, harsh bitter voices, breaking glass, a mother’s scream, and police sirens. Always the damn police sirens! By nightfall, most of the city’s daytime inhabitants have long since fled to their homes in the PC suburbs, or into their security guarded and gated high-rise apartments. Only the desperate venture out into the city at night, or those who have something to gain, usually by ill-means. This city has become a cesspool of criminal activity of all shapes and sizes, and these criminals stalk the night, preying on their victims, and performing their dirty deeds and crimes against the people of Phantom City with seemingly near impunity. Phantom City’s police force is understaffed, under paid, and underfunded. Most on the force have taken to accepting the occasional bribe, while others are permanent fixtures on the payroll of the organized crime syndicates that plague PC. These syndicates supply an unending supply of drugs, human-trafficking, illegal weapons and other contraband through a web of black markets and dealers. Sex, revenge, murder, all have a price in PC and are easier to get here than anywhere else. Only the costumed vigilantes push back against the criminal element. They wage a nightly war on crime and have become the defenders to the innocent people of Phantom City.

Vigilante, not Superheroes

In Vengeance The RPG you play as street-level vigilantes, not superheroes. It is necessary to make the distinction, as your character has no super abilities or super powers; nothing that makes you ‘super’. You are just an ordinary person. Maybe you had a traumatic origin story, or maybe you just become fed up with the criminal activity in Phantom City and decided to fight back! Either way, you’re not super. You may, however, have some skills that will help you. But remember, you’re just flesh and bone. You bleed like anyone else, and you can die like anyone else. Vengeance can be lethal for characters but that’s part of the fun. So go big, and punch crime in the mouth one adventure at a time!

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